I thought maybe we could all share one AA slogan or two, with all the newcomers to this board. Let's keep it going, guys!!
I'll go first.
"One Day at a Time."
To me, this means that I only have to stay sober for 24 hours. I may not be able to make a decision to go the rest of my life without a drink, but I know I can do it just for one day. If I ask my Higher Power for help in the morning, make contact with another AA, and hit a meeting, I have a good chance of staying sober just for this one day. Then if I can do this, just 24 hours at a time, it will get easier as the days and the meetings and the real friendships pile up.
As a "newbie" myself, I'd also have to go with "Keep coming back." I do. No matter how aggrevating it is to hear that I'm wrong, someone knows better than me, or that picking up the first drink is going to get me drunk time and again. I like the "abuse." Ha ha!
But seriously, coming back to the rooms and just listening is so important to me. I know I don't have all the answers. I know I'm a stubborn fool. But I see so much hope and strength in the rooms of AA, that it makes me impossible to not believe I can have the same thing someday. I just have to truly, completely, 100% surrender. Until then, when that breakthrough happens, I just keep coming back.