Had a great time in Oklahoma City and it was wonderful traveling through 5 beautiful states to get there. The ex-wife did NOT freak out at all, to my surprise... no, my husband ended up being the emotional one!!!!
Anyhoo, it was so good to see the boys. Oklahoma City is very beautiful and the weather was great. I did NOT make a meeting out there, unfortunately, but I did have conversations with my sponsor and a lot of conversations with God.
Welcome Home!!! Isn't Oklahoma just beautiful? Thx for the pix, they are great! No matter how much we love where we've been, Doll's right-there's no place like home, is there? Glad you got back all safe and sound, and that the visit went so wonderfully. Love Chris
"Never argue with an idiot... They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience..."
The lack of drama from the ex-wife was really hard to believe, based on eevry single occurrence I have ever had with her as of yet....??? Left me scratching my head... and also, now that I think about it, I was psyching myself up for it way in advance, and rather enjoying the self-righteousness it gave me, knowing that "she can't help but act a'fool"... and I was wrong, as I so often am in life. I do also like to play the victim, as an alcoholic woman. And she had given me tons and tons of victim-fuel in the past. But not this trip.
So I just gotta learn from this stuff, that I just don't know what I don't know, and not to plan defenses and oputcomes ahead of time. Yes, it is good to have a good coping skill in place, but I don't have to stew.
Your post just reminded me of something very important. We are allowed to make plans and set goals but one thing we can never do is predict the outcomes!!! That's up to the Big Guy!
Glad to hear your trip went off well. That's wonderful to hear!
Take care and enjoy the laundry, I mean.......another day of sobriety! lol