I for the last few months have been saving about every penny I got my hands on and bought my Wife something nice for her birthday... First time I ever planned ahead,,,We are not poor but a little tight in our money.
Well she got pissed and acted as if I was blowing money...I got hurt and yes a little defensive,,,and a quick meeting also to boot,,,
I;ve asked her quite a few times to go to AA meetings or functions with me...but no way will she even think about going.
Ole well I usally take care of my own,,,but I know where that landed me,,,I'll just keep going to meetings and talking to my sponsor...Thanks for you time...
Basically that is what my Sponsor told me,,,That give it to my Higher Power and go on...I know now this far along in the program that it is not my problem but hers..
Thanks for giving me your thoughts and I hope it was a fresh cup of Coffee Phil..
Bob's rules for gift giving to women, always save the receipt, take it back and give her a gift certificate so get whatever she wants. Not so romantic but beat buy her a vacuum. My ex loved pearls and the local mall had a pearl shop that alway had nice stuff in every price range so I alway came out okay (I saved the receipt just in case). Maybe you could get the wife to go to Al-anon, sounds like she has issues.
-- Edited by cooncatbob at 20:48, 2006-09-09
Work like you don't need the money
Love like you've never been hurt, and
dance like no one is watching.
Sounds like you are busy a lot, Buck... I know that although I would be DELIGHTED to receive a gift from my hubby, it would mean even more if instead he took me somewhere nice where we spent a little TIME together... we don't get to see eachother much.... just a woman's point of view here...
But Kudos, for doing what you did, and your expectations of her being delighted? Who WOULDN'T have those kinds of positive expectations?? Great job, and I am very happy FOR her!!! And proud of you. :o)