Yes. I've heard of it termed as the "bloody muddies" and IT IS A SERIOUS HEALTH PROBLEM! Someone with this condition should be examined by a health professional IMMEDIATELY! As for the exact cause, there are others on this site with a good degree of health training and I hope they add more...Tim
"We posess the eyes through which the universe gazes with wonder upon its own majesty."
I'm not a health professional, just someone who has a lot of experience with Doctor and clinic visits. There are many possible causes of blood in the stool, some of which are more serious, and some which are less (my experience in every case for which I was treated).
Either way, I strongly recommend seeing a health care professional, as it should be medically treated, regardless of the cause.
I have Proctosigmoiditis (inflamation of the decending colon) my first outbreak was 3 years ago it wasn't a pleasant experience, I had diarrheal and bloody stool. My Dr a rectal surgent prescribe hydrocortisone enamas and my condition cleared up rapidly and up till 2 weeks ago I'd been symptom free. Then my condition returned with a vengence and I'm back on treatment and it's responding. Many of the noncancerous IBD have no known cure, you treat them when they flare up, they can go away for years. Blood in your stool is most likely caused by bleeding in your large intestine, it won't get better by it self. You don't want to have to live without your ass do you?? Talk to your Dr and get referred to a specialist.
Work like you don't need the money
Love like you've never been hurt, and
dance like no one is watching.
If there is an underlying problem in the digestive tract, consumption of alcohol will only aggravate and worsen the problem, for starters.
While working in the O.R. at a local hospital, I saw and stood for many general surgeries that involved the digestive tract (I was a surgical technician from 2000-2003). There are quite a few problems that can cause rectal bleeding, some minor and some very very serious, including colon cancer. The minor causes may be severe hemorrhoids, which are aggravated by alcohol consumption, and subsequent darrhea. Some hemorrhoids have to be surgically removed.
The condition of the blood factors in a great deal too. The longer it takes for the blood to pass, the darker it is. So idf the origin of the blood is high in the intestinal tract, like in the small intestine somewhere, it will be very dark, sometimes even black and thick, by the time it makes it's way out of the body. Redder blood in the stool is a sign that it is coming from the colon itself, or even just inside the anus. Large quantities of blood should be treated as a severe emergency, and the person should be IMMEDIATELY hospitalized. ANY sign of blood at all needs medical attention and the opinion of a doctor, which I am definitely NOT.
Diverticulosis is also a condition that can cause bloody stools. My childhood friend suffered with this condition for years, and she still has it, but it is very managable with a special diet. Then you have the possibility of a lower intestinal ulcer...
I want to emphasize that ALCOHOL highly AGGRAVATES and worsens any and all digestive problems.
PLEASE see a doctor about this problem ASAP. As cooncat suggested, you should not fool around with this, please get checked out. Don't ever try to diagnose yourself!! This could be any number of things, and it could be extremely serious.
Thanks to all for the replies. Went to doc and was told i had ulcerative colitis.Put me on med called CANASA.Its working no more blood in stool.Doc said he never heard of alcohol causing this bloody stool but when ever i drank the next day i would see blood in my stool.
wasp wrote: Thanks to all for the replies. Went to doc and was told i had ulcerative colitis.Put me on med called CANASA.Its working no more blood in stool.Doc said he never heard of alcohol causing this bloody stool but when ever i drank the next day i would see blood