Today is August 27, 2006 A Great Day for Recovery!
"I have never doubted that God created man for great purposes . . . " -- Preston Bradley
I am special today. I know that there is a purpose for my life and that it is essentially good and creative. I know that beauty is not just in things that I can see . . . beauty is also in me. Today I affirm my great purpose in this world . . . to be the best that I can be.
For too many years I gave my God-given power away; I gave it to alcohol, I gave it to people, I gave it to a belief system that did not make sense to me. Today I am discovering the power that God has given to me, and I feel good about myself. Today I reclaim my divinity.
Creator of this wonderful universe, make me an instrument of Your peace
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain.
The Thought and Reflection for the day both tie in and go right along with this. Good stuff. Even though it was all meant just for me today, I'll leave a little for yall.