I've been struggling with this guy I have been working with.
He just doesn't want to work this program.
I've been trying and trying to show him how the principles of this program are applied in daily life. He just won't follow directions! I don't know what to do.
He keeps relapsing. Gets sober for a few days, a week, and then right back at it again.
What do you do when this happens? I'm completely dumbfounded......
He was doing so good lately and then yesterday, another relapse. I was there to help him. Just in the nick of time too.
My brother and I were working over on the side of the house and that's when we saw him. What a scene it was! I saw this blur and didn't know what the heck it was. And then I saw my prospect chasing after it! It took me and my brother to pull them apart. He was back at it again. Damn! I finally got a hold of him (Kramer). My darn cat had relapsed again! He was trying to kill this chipmunk. Just barely saved it's life.
What am I supposed to do? He obviously doesn't want this program. I keep telling him to say the serenity prayer. I keep telling him (my cat) that if he will just work these steps the compulsion will go away!
I need some advice here. I'm really struggling with this. Should I fire him? I've always been told that if your sponsee doesn't follow suggestions, well you know.
I need some input here. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Does he still have his nuts? The cat that is. You can't really change million of years of evolution, cats are pretators and killing machines. Get him fixed and make him a indoor only cat. Not much else you can do with someone who lacks willingness.
Work like you don't need the money
Love like you've never been hurt, and
dance like no one is watching.
Mmm, Justin, this one will take more patience. Tell ya what--I have a pretty little female that just happens to be cycling right now. Send him on over, maybe they'll both behave if they're together. Whoops, that's right; no relationships the first year. But she's only four months old...
Only other option, take him out in the woods and make him stay there with only a bowl of water until he behaves. Worked on me. Start a kitty treatment center and rake in the bucks, we know there's more out there......wren
"Never argue with an idiot... They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience..."
This may just work. You know how when we get to see the other side of things, say, someone elses perspective? I say...Take him to a kennel and put him in a separate cage surrounded by a bunch of dogs. Let him see how it feels to be the prey. HAH!!! He'll likely see the light and swear off chipmunks, go to meetings, and change his ways for the better foreverI...Tim
"We posess the eyes through which the universe gazes with wonder upon its own majesty."
I am powerless over Alcohol ...and anybody who drink's Alcohol
That probably no human power could have relieved our Alcoholism
I just lost sombody i was working with for a year and a half ,,he work the steps,,the promises
materialize ,,,then he stop calling..keeping in touch...had not herd from him in about two
months..he call the other day ..said he got drunk..that hurt..but the big book tells us to find
sombody else who wants this.....maybe your friend is not ready yet..all we can do is pray for them..good luck to you ...ask you HP for guidence in this matter..