Nobody's perfect, that's for sure. But I have stumbled upong this prayer and it is a good way to start out my day in AA. Having worked the 12 Steps, and continuing to work them, my life is a thousand times better. This prayer reminds me of what my focus is today. I think I will get back to this, as amorning affirmation. Hope you all enjoy, and note, the use of the phrase.. "to the best of my ability".
"Today, to the best of my ability, I will be honest. I will keep my thoughts and my actions based in reality and fact. I will tell the truth. I will adapt to situations and yet I will stay loyal to my chosen ideals. I will be direct in my dealings with others. I will ask for what I want and need, and refrain from manipulating others for my own gain. I will play fair in my arena of life today.
To the best of my ability, I will act on faith. When in doubt, I will contact someone that I trust will tell me the truth about my circumstances, thoughts or feelings. I will seek someone who has success in the area of living in which I am troubled for their guidance. I will not leave my plans to chance. When faced with a major decision, I will stop and recite the 7th Step prayer when I feel my strength slipping. If I question someone's comments, I will take it upon myself to search out the facts in an effort to discover the reality of the situation. I will ask God to direct my thinking. I will recall the experiences of others, and have confidence and trust that their results can be mine as well.
To the best of my ability, I will act as if I have hope. In all my activities and affairs of the day, I will move ahead even though I may think it is hopeless. I will contact someone who I know has found success in life for support and direction. I will look back upon some of my recent little victories, including the simple fact that I did not drink today. I will trust my instincts today as being God given. I will believe that my dreams are possible, if I work hard to realize them.