Well the last week for me was like trying to tread water, and could not keep my head above the water.
Went to a Meeting on the 5th Step yesterday, and it is truly amazing how, when a meeting stays on Topic, and thoroughly, it is a complete Attitude adjustment, that was the way I experienced this meeting.
Head now above water, and feeling better, out of the temporary "Me" stuff that can really mess us up the most, the emotional stuff, feel it, acknowledge it, and then.....Give it up to our Higher Power. Did that with the help of a great meeting.
You made me laugh, with "why didn't I think of that!!", haha, treading underwater is not good for me, as I still cannot swim. So thanks for tip, will climb back in the Boat.
...... it is truly amazing how, when a meeting stays on Topic, and thoroughly, it is a complete Attitude adjustment..........
I used to get a little "miffed" sometimes when the Topic strayed as I was so interested in what the ES&H was revolving around that topic especially if it was a Step. I have realized that many, many times, what was shared Off topic was exactly what I needed to hear that day. Re-affirming for me, once again, that God is in control.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain.
Well I share your feelings regarding meetings, they are ALL good, and if I ever feel that there is something wrong with ANY meeting, the problem will, without exception, be in ME, and how I am preceiving it.
Took a 4 day Break from a Meeting where I was aware of so much Gossip, and had to go into Solitude, and my AA Books, to just step back, and with God' Help, do the neccasary attitude adjusting. It was my preception of that Gossip that was the problem. We are going to find the Human nature of people, everywhere we go, in a meeting or otherwise.
I only reflected on the Anonymity being the Spiritual Foundation of this Program, and when I Prayed about that, only then could I get my self back in the same meeting, with a change in Attitude.
It makes me always go back to my own true beginnings, when they were of a very Desperate nature, that I have recall of how, the other people in the room, well I did listen to what everyone was saying, but other than that, I was completely unaware of anything, but the gratitude of having my butt, at last in a chair, claiming it as mine as a drunk that needed to be there, and with God's help, I was actually sitting there, leaving only to wait for the next 23 hours until the meeting began again.
Jen, just a question, why is the bunny in your Avatar, now just in one position, and no longer doing the flips forward??????????