I went to move my car out of the garage so I could clean the garage and the keys weren't on the hook by the door where there supose to be. I've looked everywhere including the garbage. This is one of those smart F**king keys and keyless remote and it would cost $200 plus to replace, I have 2 extra keys and another remote but I'm obsessed with finding them. They have to be in the house cause i drove home from the store yesterday and can in through the garage, I've just clean the garage so there not there. Insane in Carmichael.
Work like you don't need the money
Love like you've never been hurt, and
dance like no one is watching.
OMG! I so felt your pain reading your first post...........and sooooo relieved when I read your own reply. WhEW! Man! I hate it when that s&#t happens.......
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain.
Welcome, having gotten on, and then back off, that Carnival Ride safely... :o)
My sponsor calls it the "Full Tilt Whirl". I love this expression, because, as in a cheap carnival ride, a 'whirl' is:
A ride that makes you want to puke,
Horribly unbalanced and bumpy, and
You are terrified that at any moment, a metal pin is going to fall out and the whole durn thing is going to come crashing down!!! LOL (Kinda like "Going Postal"....)
They were in the pocket of the apron I wear when I clean house, I went out to the car to get my travel cup (to wash) that I'd left there and put the keys in the pocket instead of on the hook.
Work like you don't need the money
Love like you've never been hurt, and
dance like no one is watching.