I'll probably be going to Little Rock soon, my sis-in-law is pregnant, not due until Aug 27th but she's already 1cm dialated. So she could be born any time now. I looked up meetings in the town near where they live, they're actually in a small town outside of Little Rock. I'll be going to meetings in Benton, AR. Anyone from around there? Or if we go while she's still in the hospital if anyone lives in Little Rock near where we'll be maybe we can meet up and go to a meeting. I'm really nervous about going to any new meetings. I've only been to the ones at my homegroup and I have pretty bad anxiety. But we'll probably be out there 3 or 4 days and I don't want to miss that many meetings.
Have fun, Lisa!!! I am going to Oklahoma City in Sept. and will definitely be getting to a meeting...
My husband said, "Awww, why don't you just spen the whole week with me and the boys? (his 2 boys live there..)"
I simply said, "I am not going a week without a meeting. End of subject!!"
I think he is scared to have them alone for a while... lotsa feelings come up, and workaholic 'tough-guy wannabees' like my husband don't like feelings...