I really dislike it but today I said something off the cuff, I am proud of myself.
My Manager said to me in a meeting, "why did you say to another manager that I ignored you?"
ME: "because you did ignore me, when I had a difficult call I approached you for authorisation to do something only you can authorise, I sat next to you and waited for you to finish what you were doing, then two seconds later you were approached by one of your pals, and you started chatting with him and just walked off, I thought that was very rude"
He didnt have alot to say about that because it was rude, ,I had to approach another manager, and when he said why i didnt approach my manager I explained what happened,
This is not me to be honest, I am usually timid, maybe its because I am working the program or maybe I am well off it?
I could have told my manager what was really on my mind that everytime someone esculates an issue to him he creeps out of it and does next to nothing but i didnt I just said that his actions were rude....
What do you guys think? I was top performer consistantly since it started my manager said, but he had to have ago at me about this little thing even though I have done nothing wrong apart from tell another manager (when asked) what actually happened....
Sounds to me like you did a good thing. Humility is a wonderful thing. No where does it say we have to be a doormat to be walked upon. From your past posts it seems like you did what was right and I think you should be happy about it.
I had something similar happen at my work, where I felt like I was being mistreated. Wasn't sure what to do. I said something to this one girl and she told the lady that offended me that I was kind of upset about being talked to like a piece of siht.
Shortly there after she came and apologized and things have been fine ever since. No resentments on either side! I too need to work on standing up for myself when it comes to situations of this type.
I guess after being drunks for so long we get used to people trampling on our feelings and sometime think that this is okay, when it's not. If that makes sense?
In this country..we use the phrase.."If youre going to step on someones toes...make sure, you have a bigger pair of boots..cause their foot might come around.. and kick yu in the......um...well..you get my drift..:)
And Sober...(from your message down below?) You have a good weekend too eh..bud
Later guys..this 130 hour work week is killin me...Wanna job??? :)
"LOVE" devoid of self-gratification, is in essence, the will, to the greatest good...of another.