Stop trying so hard to control things. It is not our job to control people, outcomes, circumstances, and life. Maybe in the past we couldn't trust and let things happen. But we can now. The way life is unfolding is good. Let it unfold.
Stop trying so hard to do better, be better, and be more. Who we are and the way we do things is good enough for today.
Who we were and the way we did things yesterday was good enough for that day.
Ease up on ourselves. Let go. Stop trying so hard.
Today, I will let go. I will stop trying to control everything. I will stop trying to make myself be and do better, and I will let myself be.
"LOVE" devoid of self-gratification, is in essence, the will, to the greatest good...of another.
The topic of last nights meeting was letting go and let god.
Turned out to be a wonderful meeting.
If I was fresh in the program and someone would've told me to let go and let god I think I would of had some not so nice comments with the person! Thankfully life is different today.
Have a great weekend Phil!
By the way was it a 12 pack of sprite or 7up? Hahahaha!