I no longer seek to create drama 'around' myself, but I do create plenty of it within!! Just when I feel like I'm not thinking so much anymore, I notice all the stupid stuff my mind has indeed come up with.... subtle and overt forms of self-pity, selfishness, and the like...
Progress, not perfection...
I have to laugh about the times when I thought it was everyone else....LOL well, right here in my own home, all by myself, I can create multiple crises left and right!!!
Just reminds me to keep my head in the big Book and in conversation with other alcoholics... as well as with my Higher Power..
I was the drama queen of drama queens.Let me phrase that I can be cause I can still pull it off. Most of the time i can see it and change it around.It is so wonderful you can see it .
I know someone in the program once told me I was complainnig how I messed every ones lives up I did this and that.She said to me you are not that powerful.Wow it hit me though my eyes and it woke me up.