I have heard some members at meetings speak of a football in the stomach. Could someone please clue me in on what this feels like, and what exactly it is? Does your stomach feel hard, bloated and does this happen after you eat. It hurts when I sit, stand, lay down. I have had this for at least a week and I don't know what to do - it is very uncomfortable. I am not asking for medical advise just to let me know if this is suppose to be part of the program! Can anyone help me? A friend pointed out to me that maybe this is my bodies way of dealing with my mean, nasty, ugly and terrible step four, sounds far fetched but could be true.
Later - Jeannie in need of your opinions, thoughts, and most of all help.
You only live once; but if you work it right, once is enough. There is nothing better than the encouragement of a good friend.
Jeanne, I would go get medical advise. Seriously. Of course tension can cause all sorts of physical manifestations, but so can a health problem, be it constipation, an ulcer, retaining fluids, etc. Gastritis is a miserable condition I've dealt with due to drinking, and an inflammed pancreas can feel like elephants dancing on your tummy. Please, go to a clinic and get checked out. It may be nothing more than needing mylanta but better safe than sorry...hug, Wren
i found god in myself/and I loved her/i loved her fiercely--Ntozake Shange
my take on this, is that you need to ask the person what they meant by a football in the stomach. If I heard that from someone, I might interrpret that as being hit with a football in the stomach. I can relate to that.
But I agree with Wren, if you are having problems, after you eat, with a real hard feeling in your stomach, I would definitely check that out with your Doctor.