um.....OLD???? The Term is OLD..Er..........Youngin...:)
Wooooot!! Woooot!! I hear that train acommin...Its rollin round the bend...and I aint seen the sunshine...since I dont know when...I'm stuck in Folsom Prison...and time keeps draggin on....and its dark in here...and Im not bendin get the soap...for like that.. Johnny Cash eh...Canadian version...Woooot!! Woooot!!
"LOVE" devoid of self-gratification, is in essence, the will, to the greatest good...of another.
For some reason, I never understood why "Whoo!" has a "t" on the end. I mean, when you're cheering, do you really say "Woooooottttt?" Or is "woot" supposed to be like a barking sound, rather than a cheer. The kind of fist pumping in the air war cry or something...
All in all, I just prefer "Yeeeehaaaw!" It's part of the redneck in me-- what can I say? All the redneck girls let out a big "Hell yeah!"
and Phil, thanks for your version of Folsom Prison Blues.. nice visual, with the soap thing...
Wrenny, where ya' been??
and HDogg... you and that redneck thing again... never seen YER laundry hangin' out over yer balcony, and you don't have a wild turkey tattooed on your neck... Y.E.T. !!!