Got my 1 month chip last night!!! It really doesn't seem like it's been that long... I guess a month isn't really that long, but it feels like a big accomplishment I actually scanned my chip and posted it on the other message board I go to and in my livejournal and everything lol I'm just so happy! I've got an online friend from another message board that a group of us from the forum are going to see next year in July and they're all like "we wanna see that 1 year chip!" And I know I can do it
With all the struggling you have been through, I have to say I thing 30 days is HUGE, GIGANTIC, MONUMENTAL!!!!!
Just one little day at a time, So Proud of you!
Your Friend Toni
Remember this has never ever been anything but a 24 hour Program.
Hugs and Congratulations, A Lot of Hard, Hard work went into those 30 - 24 hours.
P.S. Gotta ask you, I have seen that word on here before, but what does Woot! mean, see, I am a very slow learner. Is it like Hip, Hip, Hurray! Befuddled??????? me. LOFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A month is a helluva achievement! That's four Fridays you made it through! If I can ever put together a month again I'm expecting you people to cyber-hoist me onto your shoulders and parade me around singing "For he's a Jolly Good Fellow"!!!
A Month is long, do not feel like it is a small accomplishment. When was the last time you went a month without a drink? The reason it does not seem long; is that other people, the stalwarts, have some time together, remember, they where at a month at one time also
WOOT WOOT WOOT!!!!!!My first Month was an immense's something you definately deserve to feel proud of! CONGRATS and keep coming back!!!
Congrats on 30 days!! It IS a big deal. A woman at a meeting last night mentioned the fact that there is a reason there are 30, 60, and 90 day chips. Those are tough months. Many people don't make it past that. I am not to 60 again yet and I really feel like this is the hardest month and a half ever......
Right on, Lisa! Yes, a month is a great accomplishment! that's 30 put-together days, and I view that first month as a great miracle. Give yourself kudos for this! Wren
i found god in myself/and I loved her/i loved her fiercely--Ntozake Shange