Just wanted to say hi, and the Gratitude I have in my heart for Alcoholics Anonymous, and the fellowship of this Program, and the Tools of this Program.
The 12 Steps, have been reading and reviewing, in order, the 12x12, and feeling so damn lucky that we are all Sober. Just in this little 24 hour day of Sunday.
I love the 12 & 12... you have prompted me to get mine out and get to re-reading through it myself. Thanks for the reminder.
Hope you are tolerating the heat... it will be in the 90's here in Ohio the rest of the week... humidity is like 90%...aaaargh!!! If I were where you are, I'd be on that beach and in that OCEAN!!! (with 45 sun-block....LOL)
Are you safe from the fires? Praying for all you Krazy Kalifornians today...
Yes it is a good Sunday to have woken up sober! I've been volunteering to help out other AA'ers and doing some stuff for the club where the meetings are at. And ya know what? It feels good! Alot of the stuff has nothing to do with aa. It's just helping people and doing the next right thing! Gotta love it!
As far as the fires, so far so good, did tell myself, if i ever have to go thru one like 2 years ago, I'll move back to Marin, where we don't have to worry about them, we only have to worry about Earthquakes and now the Golden Gate being blown up, haha. What a trade, but nothing would be worse that spending my days and nights, at the Local Target Store, (that's what a lot of people did during that time) to avoid the black clouds of suit and the possibility of my house burning down.
Maybe I should think about moving to some other part of the country, should a fire break out here, we are only a few miles from the Coast, but then I have seen fires go all the way to the coast.
Ok., ok. no geographics, just some dreaming. What is, IS, I just remembered.
Happy happy trip to OKLAHOMA, and the former wife, makes me think of the saying, "Don't sweat the small stuff, and it is ALL small stuff". Also the "Don't forget to wear life like a Loose Garment".
See ya later gator, ok, back to simple Gratitude, I only get in trouble when I open up my thinker, haha.