"To behave with dignity is nothing less than to allow others freely to be themselves." --Sol Chaneles
I believe that ultimately I can only be responsible for me. It is impossible for me to live another person's life. It is disrespectful to assume the role of decision-maker for another adult human being. People must have the freedom to grow and be themselves. Dignity is affording people this freedom.
Today I can see how I continued to keep members of my family sick by taking on a responsibility that was not mine. I can see how I was not giving dignity to my family; I was unintentionally withholding dignity from those I loved. People, especially family members, must be given the freedom to express their hurts. They have a responsibility to deal with their pain -- because it is theirs!
I pray that I may give to others the dignity I desire in my own life.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain.