Thank you all for your kind comments re my posting about being gossiped about in aa. Its amazing how a higher power works and I wanted to share this with you a truly amazing experience. Throughout my recovery I have struggled had a bereavment at 8 months sought outside help to deal with it and came through it. After i got off the forum I was in bits a real state and I just said "what ever you are whoever you please help me to have some peace". I guess I'm learning to have a god conscious. Anyway I didnt drink and I felt a feeling of tranquil peace that has never left me. Since then been working with my sponsor who is a very strong member a lot of years of sobriety and she shared her experience with me. Got to say that the best thing that an old timer told me was this. Keep your street clean and the rest will follow. Didnt quite know what that meant but I had to look at myself to see how she would have known so much I realised that a friend who sits in a meeting that I go to had gossiped yellow card should be a sin to divulge and I believe its a real killer. You are very right well people dont harm other people and my life is enriched by the amends that I have made working hard on myself and feeling my way in the programme. I've since changed my meeting been to a stronger meeting and have got a tremendous amount of strength to deal with this. I have done nothing wrong its her problem I've learned this she does not have anything that I want, I dont want to be like that after 14 years of sobreity and I hope and pray each day that my god watches over me. He's never let me down I just have to trust even if I dont really want to its all I know I celebrate my 5 years very soon and thanks for all your very kind messages your honesty has given me hope and strength.
Hey...Congrats on 5 years comming up eh...Thats a lotta days...
It used to bother me about all this gossip stuff...
Today? I figure if they are talking about me..they arent talking about someone else. :)
The only person I have to answer myself and a personal Higher Power...the rest..just does not matter..
For the last 2 months..Ive been helping a lady and 2 kids...down the street with outside work...that because of a car accident..they are incapable of doing...
Had a guy come up to me a few days ago...and say.."Got a girlfreind eh?
My reply was.."Yup..just met her a couple of months ago..and we are getting married in 2 weeks."
Shut him up in one hell of a hurry..and he hasnt brought it up since...
Still snickering over it...
Have a good day eh...
"LOVE" devoid of self-gratification, is in essence, the will, to the greatest good...of another.