Q. How many alcoholics does it take to change a lightbulb?
A. One. He simply holds the lightbulb in the socket and waits for the world to revolve around him.
Howdy Joni..
Now..aint that the truth.:)
You have a good night eh....
G'nite, Phil!!!
And may visions of attractive young Canuk 'Sugarplums' dance in thine head....
hmmm... "young Canuk 'Sugarplums' sound kinda sexy... hope I have them dance in my head too.. and they turn out to be what my brain is telling me they are and not turn out to be simply an exotic fruit.... with a nice name.
Good one!
Another answer would be "Why would he WANT to CHANGE a lightbulb?" Alkies hate change, right?
Thanks HDoggie... I fORGOT...
Alcoholics don't like LIGHT!!!!