Challenging Perspective Good Stress Vs. Bad Stress
In recent years, stress has gotten a very bad name, but studies show that some stress is good for us, increasing our immune systems' capabilities and sharpening our intelligence. Bad stress, on the other hand, has the opposite effect, weakening our immune systems and causing us to feel mentally confused and disoriented.
Good stress tends to inspire us to rise to a challenge, so that we discover and experience more of our potential. After encounters with good stress, we generally feel stronger and more confident, knowing that we have what it takes to pass the tests and surmount the obstacles that life inevitably throws our way. Exposure to bad stress, however, leaves us feeling depleted and anxious. Noticing how you feel is a good way to determine what kind of stress you are experiencing at any given time.
The difference between good and bad stress can sometimes lie in our attitude. If you doubt yourself and habitually employ the mantra, "I can't handle this," every time life throws you a curve ball, you may be turning good stress into bad stress. When stressful situations come your way, take a deep breath and say, "I can handle this." It's hard to believe that such a simple change can make a difference, but it really can. Expressing confidence in yourself often gives you the power to turn a crisis into a confidence-building challenge. However, if you find that you truly are too depleted to face the challenges that come your way, you owe it to yourself to consciously eliminate as much of the stress in your life as possible. Take time to restore and make any necessary changes to your lifestyle.
Different people have different levels of tolerance for stress. Some people actively seek out adrenalin-inducing activities in their spare time. Other people find daily life stressful enough that they spend their downtime resting and restoring themselves. Know yourself and adjust your stress factor accordingly. ~ Daily OM
i found god in myself/and I loved her/i loved her fiercely--Ntozake Shange
Thanks, Wren. I needed this post... it is funny too, that I had just sat down to post a topic about "H.A.L.T."... great timing!!!
This stress-thing has been one of my greatest battles in life. Today, I can tell usually when I need to stop and breath by pausing to listen to my body. My mind no longer does that crazy merry-go-round thing on a frequent basis, Thank God, but I can get caught physically taking on waaaaayyy too much in all areas.
Today is one of those days. Hit a meeting, bought a new computer desk, brought it home, put it together myself, cooked, ran errands... this usually would not be too much for me in a day, but I am coming off an incredibly busy weekend and I need to STOP right now, get off the computer and take a NAP... my shoulders are up around my earlobes right now and my eyes are blurry... so here goes. Logging off for me and my recovery... need some down-time!!! See you on the refreshed side of life!!!
Just kidding, loved this Post, and wanted to say thank you dear. I read something on AOL, Stress management thingy, and it said the absolute most stressful thing for us are those nagging unfinished things, they create more stress than most people think.
I personally said Yicks to that article, cause I do have a lot of those things, being a Procratinator, must be a genetic thing, cause I really do try to stay on top of those things and they always end up winning. I use the "Well, if I am Sober, I can handle that somewhat annoying thing, cause you can't get a DUI for being a Procrastinator, but you can get a ticket for not having any headlights, just kidding again.
This Post has made me do some thinking, and you know Chris, thinking is not always a good idea, haha.
I've been having a real rough time dealing with anxiety lately. So because of this I set a goal yesterday and actually accomplished it! My goal was to sit on my butt and do nothing all day! I am being serious here. It really helped me to unwind and get my head together. Turned out to be a good thing. And even better, today has been stress free. For me if I don't take care of my bodies needs I struggle with life. Just have to do the basics, get enough sleep (very important), eat somewhat healthy, watch the caffeine intake, and best of all, attend meetings regularly! That's the basics for me.
Back from the HALT nap, and then I did some Step work with my sponsee.
Yup... definitely helps to HALT at times. :) I am going to sleep better for it, tonight. And yes, Justin, the household crap I did NOT get done today will wait til tomorrow... :)
Y'know, when I have stressors going on, I write a friggin' list. No kidding. I list the stressors as they come up. I am only one person living within a 24 hour period, and can deal with only one thing at a time. I gave up multitasking when I quit working. (not getting paid for doing it anymore, LOL). Anywho, I check off one thing at a time. I treat them like household chores. Deal with them when I can, check em off. Course, the list is never ending, I add as quick as I delete, but it makes them more tangible, written down? So my mind doesnt run in confusion from being over whelmed. I do them as I can deal with them. And not necessarily in order. That one little check (or cross out, rather) tells me I've dealt with one more thing I was putting off, be it emotional, physical, psychological. And pat myself on the back every time I can cross it off. Just how it works for me. Less stressful that way.....wren
i found god in myself/and I loved her/i loved her fiercely--Ntozake Shange