I need to talk with someone and decided to log in to this message board for some comfort......... maybe someone out there might know or has also been diagnosed with liver damage and is going through the final stages.
I live with an alcoholic (I am not) that has just been diagnosed with no liver - from drinking and recently we (he) had an appointment to apply for a transplant at Rush Pres in Chicago. After 4 hrs. of interviews, they told us the bottom line was he has to wait 6 months to even be considered. He is VERY, VERY ill right now.
I did have severe liver damage--cirhossis, hepatitis, malnutrition and hemmoraging due to the lack of platelets that my liver couldn't produce. When I finally quit drinking and immersed myself into this program, I was wearing maternity smocks due to the swelling. I am one of the very fortunate that lived thru this, and over time my liver healed. I still have chem. panels done, but for two decades now they've come back normal. I do remember my dear Doctor standing over me and saying " I don't think we can pull you thru this one, Christine", and how nonchalantly I took that. I'd given up by then, or so I thought.
As a loved one, I can only imagine how this must be for you. I've only been on this side of the coin, but did lose my son's father to alcoholism. He'd gone in for a angioplasty and with liver failure, was unable to stop bleeding. It was not the same process that you are going thru tho. I strongly suggest you check in with the alanon board, where I'm sure there are many people that have gone or are going through something similar. We have a few members here that are on the alanon board, and I'm certain when they read this that they will also post to you.
Until that happens, know that my prayers and thoughts of strength are with you. You are more than welcome to stay here and share as much as you need to. Blessings, Wren
i found god in myself/and I loved her/i loved her fiercely--Ntozake Shange
Thanks for your kind words... I am going through a tough time now being he is so very sick and also, at the same time, I am dealing with a very ill mother (in a nursing home). I'm about to loose my mind. All I do is pray to God and many saints to give me strength to deal with it all.
You mentioned to go to the alanon board, I thought this was........ would that be alanon.com?
At the top left of the main page there is Links. Hit the "Main Page" and it will show you the different boards. Alanon is http://www.activeboard.com/forum.spark?forumID=42727. I hope I have that correct. But you will see on the main page menus that there are alanon chats and a message board just like this one, which is an AA message board. Hope this helps? Wren
i found god in myself/and I loved her/i loved her fiercely--Ntozake Shange
My own sobriety is strengthened by posts like these.... thank you, all of you, for discussing these after-effects of alcoholism so freely. I need never forget the 'YETS' out there for me, and I also need not forget that there is nothing in life that is outside God's healing power... Plus, this increases my prayer list, and my own gratitude and faith. If 'Faith Moves Mountains', I am bringing my shovel along to help move others' mountains too...
Many thanks for helping me get out of MYSELF and stay sober another day!!!