I know alot of people pray to have the courage to not drink for "today".. Does anyone pray to have the courage to go to a meeting?
Does anyone pray that tomorrow they will get to a meeting? Does anyone pray that nomatter what happens that they will go to a meeting tomorrow? Does anyone wake up and pray that nomatter what they will get to a meeting later that day? Does anyone pray throughout the day that nomatter how they feel they will get to a meeting.. either through their power or something higher?
Does anyone or has anyone had to fight with themselves or their higher power over whether they go to a meeting or not?
Im not suddenly going religious.. But im seriously asking this question because i want to know.. i have my reasons.
Your post didn't come out wrong at all. Well, certainly not to me it didn't.
Your post took me right back to my early days (first time) with AA. Yes, I most certainly did pray that I would find the courage in me to go to a meeting. I dreaded my meetings. I was painfully shy and I couldn't really 'get' the program. But, I knew that there were times that only prayer helped me to overcome my nerves and fears and get to a meeting. Without help from an HP I wouldn't have got to any of my meetings.
I hope this helps, Rob.
Take care,
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Seuss
Don't think I've ever prayed to go to a meeting. Around the meetings they tell you meetings, meetings, and more meetings. If your tired, go to a meeting. If you don't feel like going, go to a meeting. They got a saying. H.A.L.T. Hungry Angry Lonely Tired. They are just warning signals for us Alchys. And when these warning signals show up, it's time to get to a meeting.
I personally love meetings. Nothing like it in the world. People are just so cool.
Yes yes yes. I had little or no faith in myself or anything else external, except for faith that those meetings would help me learn to stay sober. I did not like meetings, I had butterflies the size of bats every time I went to one. I didn't want to speak, I didn't want anyone to look at me, I just went to listen. I was afraid of crowded rooms, I was afraid of having to look at more than one or two people at any given time. I was afraid of people. In the beginning I had to force myself to go, but I was terrified of not going. I bet it was a good year, at least, before I was comfortable walking into a room, sitting down, and talking. Yet these were the very same people I could sit at a restaraunt with and bs til the sun came up. I think I mentioned in a post a ways back that I spent so much time worrying about what I was going to say about a topic, I didn't even hear others for awhile. And when it would get to me, I'd pass. "grateful to be here". Everyone understood. What mattered was that I was there, and finally accepted that I wasn't ever going to be on speaker circuit, LOL. But not one time did I leave a meeting with regret for having gone. Once I left, I was so grateful I had been there.
I prayed to a void that I would get up in the morning and complete a day without doing anything shattering. I prayed about everything, constantly. I didn't trust my decision making for so long, so any time even the smallest decision came my way, I'd pray about it. And oh yeah, Rob, I'd sit in the parking lot, praying to be brave enough to walk into the room. Meetings were incredibly hard for me, especially after I'd gone back out and had to walk thru those doors again. I'm still shy, which really is a hoot considering that when I was drinking I didn't know what decorum was. I did alot of "act as if" ing. And kept praying.... Love Wren
i found god in myself/and I loved her/i loved her fiercely--Ntozake Shange
I have had to pray, over and over again for different things,
"Higher Power, give me willingness."
Praying for willingness is kind of like praying for our desires to change. There is an old saying, "Say a thing as though it WERE, and it SHALL BE...."
I prayed for the willingness to go to meetings, even when I was afraid to. Then I realized one day that I was just going out of habit, which is also good. Eventually, I was going because I wanted to. I have met, over the years, at AA meetings.... people just as nice as the people on this board, like Tonibaloney, Wren, Robert, Phil, Quetzal.... and I'm sorry if i missed any of you wonderful people!!! But you know who all of you are!! (ALL of YOU!!!) :)
At some point, somebody said to me, "Joni, you come to this meeting regularly... would you like to come early next week to help set up?" What a feeling, Rob!! For someone to actually have faith that I would show up and be a help to them. I started to be able to hold my head up again and stop looking at the floor.... LOL
And all it took was for me to keep praying for willingness, Rob. When you think about it, to make the effort to go just for ONE HOUR out of your day or week, knowing that you are doing something good for YOU... just to listen for an hour how people who were down-and-out and on the verge of death made it through, it really helps us feel great about what we are at least trying to do. I can honestly say, that even early on, I never ever felt WORSE after going to a meeting... only better.
I pray for you all the time, for your willingness to at least give us AA's a chance, in person, through a healing AA meeting. I look forward to the day that you do start going, and come here to tell us all about what you experience with it, and how you feel.
Take care and have a smurfy day!! <-- meeting people....
of course I have had to pray to go to a meeting.I have pushed my self when I felt like I couldnt move.Prayer does work , know we are praying along with you.
I absolutely had to pray to go to a meeting! Especially when I first started going to AA--February of '04. I had severe, debilitating anxiety attacks that pretty much left me housebound (except I always made sure I could get alcohol of course--panic attack or not.)
But in the beginning, the idea of sitting a whole hour in a meeting was terrifying to me. I didn't talk. I was afraid to even shake hands. I pasted a fake smile on my face and forced myself to talk to others. It was so overwhelming.
But it has gotten a lot better. I was afraid to come back to AA after my most recent relapse. But I felt that fear wasn't a good enough excuse. I was MISERABLE. HOPELESS. In pure AGONY. Something had to give. I knew I had to swallow my pride and "re-introduce" myself. And everyone welcomed me back with open arms. And I have accepted their love. It feels so much better than being afraid or being too proud.
Yes I do this every day. I pray for a good day at home, at work, and the people in my life and of coarse for getting up in the morning. If I am not working I pray to make it to a meeting and usually there is a way and it all works out. Just my share at this moment in time.
Later - Jeannie
You only live once; but if you work it right, once is enough. There is nothing better than the encouragement of a good friend.
Yes Rob, I have prayed for thr courage to go to meetings. I still do sometimes. When I REALLY don't want to go I pray for the strength to get me there. As others have said, I always feel better when I leave.
I didn't want to go to meetings in the beginning. It is scary. Lots of people that I don't know looking at me and knowing that I am an alcoholic. My big secret revealed to perfect strangers. But the more I go , the better I feel. Every person in that room had been right where I was. Feeling the same as I did. And it is so good to not feel alone anymore.........
Just for today, in the morning think of the day ahead and prey for the right thinking and actions for that day, when we are agitated we pause and ask for gods help another prayer> these are not my words this is on page 63 of the big book, forgive me if I have mis quoted I have only done this at the top of my head.
If you cant prey for that, try preying for the willingness.
Rob, when I first came to AA I was desperate my life had gone to pot and I had nothing to look forward to. Meetings for me were a life saver as I was desperately trying not to drink. The programme is a spiritual programme and prayer for me is simply asking for my higher power at the beginning to keep me sober just for that day. I found my days getting easier. I always found meetings uncomfortable in the beginning because I guess I wasnt much of a talker I was retired reserved unassuming and didnt have much to say. People were kind at some meetings and at some meetings not so kind but having a fab sponser really helped who gave me lots of help and support during the difficult time. Speaking to other members also helped a great deal to. Keep your spirits high!!