"We should be careful to get out of an experience only the wisdom that is in it." --Mark Twain
I need to risk in life. I need to try again. I need to face life and not run from it. Early in my sobriety I was scared to try new things because I was afraid I might get hurt. I was afraid to express my feelings. I hid in the idea of simply "not drinking".
Spirituality is about being willing to reach out into new areas, engage in new and different relationships, enjoy the richness of God's world. As I grow in sobriety I develop the capacity to react differently to painful situations and overcome them. I learn that mistakes can make for new conquests. That lasting joys and achievements are born in the risk.
Let us open our natures, throw wide the doors of our hearts and let in the sunshine of good will and kindness. --O. S. Marden
Kindness is among the gifts we can most easily spread among others. The more we give of kind words and deeds, the more we discover that kindness is like a burning candle which lights many other candles without losing a trace of its own brightness. Our kindnesses are assets which return unexpected dividends when we invest them in the happiness of others. Kindness is the very basis of love. It softens the most severe anger and gladdens the hardest hearts.
No kindness is too small to win and hold the affection of others because it is made up of gentleness, love, generosity, unselfishness, and caring.
What kindness do I have to offer today?
"LOVE" devoid of self-gratification, is in essence, the will, to the greatest good...of another.
Needed this today - Phil. The part about being afraid to try new things, well that use to be me but now I am trying things that I would not even dream of doing years ago. For example expressing how I am feeling or what I think about a situation in a calm, cool, and collective manner. I have learned "the first and best reaction is no reaction" . I have noticed in myself that instead of jumping into something or saying yes right away I stop and think about what is put in front of me. I guess it boils down to think, think, think. Life is starting to become noticeable easier and manageable for me. I have also let a lot of my horrible past go by doing my step four. My day and life are off to a very good start today. Have a safe, clean, sober and great day everyone.
Later - Jeannie
-- Edited by jeannie at 09:53, 2006-06-29
-- Edited by jeannie at 10:00, 2006-06-29
You only live once; but if you work it right, once is enough. There is nothing better than the encouragement of a good friend.