Hi everyone, I'm new here, I'm Lisa and I'm an alcoholic... I'm 22, and I've been drinking off and on since I was 12. My sobriety date is only 4 days ago, 6/12/2006. I'm a binge drinker, I'm fine for months and then I start drinking again and it's nearly every night for a few weeks, drinking until I get sick most nights. I was trying to control it over the last few weeks, limiting myself to 2 or 3 drinks.. I didn't always stick to that though and wound up sick several times. Sunday night was a bad night, I was in a mixed state from my bipolar and in a rage, I kept drinking to numb everything, I drank until I got sick and passed out. Monday I woke up sick as a dog, after feeling so bad most the day I threw out the alcohol and called AA. My cousin had told me a week earlier I needed to go to AA and I didn't want to listen to her. But I've been going every night since Tuesday, I'm getting a lot from it. I actually choose not to drink now. I just picked a sponsor last night, she's really nice, we got together and talked for a long time today and she's telling me what I need to be reading in the big book and everything. She told me if I did a search I could find AA message boards. I'm a message board addict, I go to a couple for my bipolar. So I'm hoping to get to know some people here who are going through what I'm going through or have been through what I'm going through and know what it's like. Hope to get to know you all soon!
My name is Justin and I'm an alcoholic diagnosed with bi-polar II. Wow, don't say that too often! You know what? As long as I follow doctor's orders and go to meetings and work on the steps with my sponsor life becomes managable. Found a belief in a God of my understanding and that in itself took a burden off my shoulders that I couldn't carry. Life is never going to be perfect but it does get better! Take it easy and look forward to your posts!
Welcome. Glad you made it through the doors of AA. I am sure it is a confusing time for you but hang in there - it will get so much better.
This message board is great. I have only been posting here for a month or so myself. Lots of nice people with good sobriety. Also, people who are not afraid to tell you what you might not want to hear. That is important too.
Nice to meet you. I will look forward to your future posts.