One of my favorite speakers shared this at a round-up once:
As a survey, stand outside a Walmart, and ask the people coming out if they would rather live a spiritual life or die an alcoholic death.
The normies would say "by "alcoholic death" do you mean getting all puffy and yellow and so sick that your organs shut down and you die a slow painful death?" You say "Yup, that's it". "And by "spiritual life" do you mean having a connection and faith in a power greater than ourselves?" You say "Yup that's it." The normies will say without hesitation "I'll take a spiritual life".
Now, if you ask an alcoholic coming out of Walmart the same question, they'll say "by "alcoholic death" do you mean getting all puffy and yellow and so sick that your organs shut down and you die a slow painful death?" You say "Yup, that's it". "And by "spiritual life" do you mean having a connection and faith in a power greater than ourselves?" You say "Yup that's it." The alcoholic will ponder the question for some time and say, "Hmm, I'll have to get back to you on that one."
I've seen some folks come and go in this program who had a very hard time grasping that spiritual aspect. What great fortune it is indeed, for those who find an understanding of a higher power that works for them. And I thank that higher power, that I was blessed to be one of those.
Loved the story, but more than the story, i loved the Title of the Post the Most.
A choice that is made, it's one way or it's goin be the other. Bull's eye!!!!
When they call this a Spiritual Program, no one is whistling Dixie, they are after all, just words, like the words in the Steps, comprehension and deep personal applications if we are going to get better, there really is no middle ground to the title of your post, that I have ever seen. Thank you!
A very humble and oh so grateful recovering Alcoholic, thanks to my Higher Power, that I definately choose to call GOD. I am so very fortunate that those days of "I'll get back to you on that" are over. Just for today.