that if you could take an alcoholic & show them through a crystal ball how wonderful their life would be if they quit drinking than I bet we would have very few alcoholics. My heart goes out to those who have very little family support or those who have many more problems than alcoholism. Those are the ones who need the greatest strength to not pick up the next drink. Those are the ones who really need the AA meetings and the support of the members. Sometimes I forget how lucky I really am. I have a wonderful husband, three awesome children--I love my job & my life is brilliant-its better than I could ever have imagined! It might sound crazy to say this but I am glad I am an alcoholic--it has given me such wonderful friends in the meetings & it has opened up my eyes to a much better life. I am typing this as I listen to my 7 yr old daughter giggling because her pet rat is running from shoulder to shoulder. How wonderful is that!! 6 months ago I would have made my littlest ones go to bed so I could crash--of course now I let them stay up until they crash! My laundry is always done, my house is always clean, I never wake up with a headache & I never make excuses to not go out and do things because I wanted to stay home & drink.
Sherry - sitting here with a stupid smile on my face--not a crooked smile either!!