Hello. I just picked up my silver chip--I did the 90 meetings 90 days and now that I have hit 6 months I havent been able to get to more than two meetings a week. Its our companies busy time---actually crazy time! I thought this might be a nice place to come when I cant get to my meeting. I dont like to go at night because we have three children & I enjoy spending what free time I have with them. Nice to meet you all!!
Welcome to the Board, Sherry. This is a very good place to come between meetings, or when you need that extra jump start. Good people here, lots of sound advise and some good topics. Glad you're here! Wren
i found god in myself/and I loved her/i loved her fiercely--Ntozake Shange
Welcome! This is my busy season, too. I've been checking in here since March. Lot's of inspiration and help. Congrats on Silver! Good to hear of your devotion to you children, too!
90in 90 its good, if you want to build a solid house, you need firm foundations. when that house is built, you can do with it as you wish, peronally i have an artistic side, some people choose religion I choose music, you have a free will and that is your gift
Nice to meet you too. Welcome. I too have children and this has been a great addition to my recovery when I cannot get to face to face meetings. Lots of great people here. Hope it helps you as much as it has helped me. Enjoy!