Hello everyone. Day 3 for me again. I talked with my sponsor yesterday for a long time. I went to my home group meeting and I spoke up and told them that I slipped again. I talked with my boss yesterday about my calling in sick on Wednesday and told her the truth. She is a good friend, a wonderful boss, and also a recovering alcoholic. What a miracle that is! I also talked with my husband and told him that my sponsor told me to get my butt to a meeting everyday. Instead of arguing or complaining like I thought he would, he just said OK. Miracle. Lots of rigorous honesty going on in my life. It feels good. Like a weight is lifted. Maybe there is hope for me yet............There is a big sign on the wall at the Alano club here that says
There is nothing so bad that a drink won't make worse and nothing so good a drink can't take away......
So true for this alcoholic. One of the people at the meeting last night said to me Remember, you're not a bad person trying to get good, you're a sick person trying to get well......Reminded me of Toni's comparison of Alcoholism to Cancer.
My alcoholism will wait for me until I die. I don't want to die drunk. I want to die sober.
Third step prayer:
God, I offer myself to thee, to build with me and do with me as you will. Relieve me of the bondage of self that I may better do thy will. Take away my difficulties that victory over them may bear witness to those that I would help of your Power, your Love, and your way of life. May I do thy will always. Amen
On my knees everyday. God can do for me what I cannot do for myself.
This got much longer than I intended..............Thank you all for being here and your support.
So happy to see where you are today, in our little 24 hour Program.
"There is nothing so bad that a drink won't make worse and nothing so good a drink can't take away......"
Was reading your post the other day, about where your thoughts took you, in your basement.......could identify with how fast just that first drink took you to that place of utter despair.
And so happy to see that that first drink, and the following obsessing Compulsive thinking has been arrested.
(laughing here, about the word arrested, wouldn't it be great to just ARREST this Disease and throw it in Jail, forever!!!!, just some silly Alke thinking here).
And really loved what that man said to you, a sick person reaching to get well, not a bad person, trying to get good. Alcoholism living inside us has never been a Moral Issue, but try telling that to the spouses and family of non-recovering Alcoholics.
Someone Posted yesterday that as an Alcoholic they began attending a lot of Alanon Meetings, to see inside, what the other side feels, and the how the actions of their Alcoholic spouses affected them, well, before Alanon, that is.
Wow I really loved that, and thought what a great way to study, the other side, wish I had done that way back when.
Everything you are doing, sounds like you have a Great Sponsor, and just wanted to say how good it feels to see things turned around 180 degrees for you.
And your question the other day, do Alcoholics have to lose everything before they get into Recovery? I think for me the answer is a resounding NO, they do not.
Many, many success stories of people in these rooms, that get off the elevator going down to the basement, have seen so many restored lives, of people that get off that elevator, many floors up from the basement. And it sounds clearly like you are doing it. In this day and age, 2006, I personally see many more success stories like yours, as opposed to the ones crawing up and in from the basement. (former Basement dweller, myself, it does not have to be that way, and so grateful to see people not lose everything, before Recovery is a success, one day at a time)
Your sister in Recovery, Toni
If I don't pick up that first drink, with His Help, I will NOT Get drunk, Today, and I will repeat, with His Help Tomorrow.