Just wanted to take a minute to tell you how much I appreciate the Privledge of being of service to this, Your MIP Recovery Forum. It strengthens my own Recovery, and am sure that we all share those feeling of Gratitude for this Board.
To follow up behind Toni, I too would like to thank you for showing me such trust, for allowing me to come back, and allowing me to be in service for this Board. MIP will be kept balanced, hopefully, for the newcomers and we that are a little less new, so that the message of hope can continue to be available to those who still suffer, those who need and want to share their hopes and experiences with us. I think our biggest aspiration is to keep this board a welcome place for everyone to come to and be able to safely share. As Toni said, Thank you so much for this privilage. blessings, Wren
i found god in myself/and I loved her/i loved her fiercely--Ntozake Shange