Happiness--a Quality of our Soul Happiness is dependent on no outside stimulus to be felt or attained Happiness is part of our real nature-- always present but covered by the disillusionment in mortal life that an outward quest will give us lasting and fulfilling satisfactions If we look inwardly reflecting on an action that we performed out of caring we will remember that we then felt happy That is a true experience of happiness in life If every action performed is done with the mental attitude of caring then happiness will naturally be uppermost in our consciousness
Even acts which seem selfish on the surface because they are done for ourselves such as taking good care of our body by eating properly, bathing, resting, and exercise are not selfish if our attitude is to preserve our life This kind of 'selfishness' is right and necessary
So, again, happiness in life is a personal quality present in all, felt by those who genuinely care for others-- patience and tolerance arising in us from our relaxed state of mind Human Love to Perfect Love Human love becomes perfect love-- the manifestation of the soul's true nature-- by consciously caring and acting for the highest good of others Energy used in a positive manner keeps caring and loving feelings uppermost in our mind Energy comes to us all the time via food, sunlight, air, and water And, additionally if we allow our body to be perfectly still-- sitting, standing, or lying down-- while remaining fully awake-- our mind will follow the lead and calm down, relax becoming aware of the inner sound of creation This is the state of meditation-- Union with our Creative Source This vibratory hum, perceived in our brain under the top of our skull underlies all of our changing thoughts
This very peaceful yet highly energized vibration is a constant presence that we can attune with to more fully energize our mental and physical states of existence
This happens because when we are feeling peaceful, yet energized we are not putting up negative blocks to our natural spring of ever-new happiness that is arising from our own soul into our body and mind As the nature of our soul is not limited by having a physical or mental form we are drawing from the infinite supply house of the energy supporting our soul This intense revitalizing energy carries us along without any effort on our part except that we must keep a positive, caring attitude-- avoiding the roadblock of stilted negative, self-defeating attitudes and their subsequent self-limiting thoughts and actions
We're called to practice every day Patience show in every way-- Patience that develops attitudes of tolerance Tolerance for our own shortcomings Tolerance for other's shortcomings and the patience to accept them all… The boon of meditation and positive attitudes-- Calming our mind Energizing our body-- A fuller experience of happiness arising from within Swelling out upon our waking consciousness…
armed with the twelve steps all things are possible