Patience does not crimp the flow of events Patience accepts and tolerates the different ways we each have of seeing and acting out life Tolerance accepts that each of us is doing what we need to for this moment
Tolerance arises from a state of mental relaxation that allows us to remain calm when we see others acting in a way we think should be different Caring love begets tolerance: When we care about others, we act for them as a support system We are not there to make another person's decisions-- unless we are entrusted with others well-being (such as for a little child or a childish adult) To do so, robs another of control and ownership of their moment The mental relaxation of patience allows us to tolerate differences from ourselves that we perceive in others: their age, feelings, opinions, attitudes, religious beliefs, political positions, appearances, habits, actions, and on and on We are living in the large fish bowl of the world-- our different perspectives on a given topic allowing many ideas to float in the brine With the attitude of caring love, peace, patience, and tolerance ideas promoting the greatest good arise to the surface of our consciousness into clear light ready to benefit all creation
Patience and Tolerance-- Accepting differences remaining peaceful recognizing that each of us has the right to determine our reality Caring love-- Being supportive while not taking away another's right to determine their reality Why are we Impatient and Intolerant? As humans we reach out to others to fill a void in life We seek to find our completeness in the company of another or by possession of an object-- as if what another or anything outside of ourselves can offer will make us happy We expect a certain behavior from our mate and are often disappointed Disillusionment and sadness follow when our mate does not fulfill our desires We often keep looking to new people in search of happiness We become impatient and intolerant when we realize the world outside of ourselves cannot give us happiness But where does happiness lie? We know happiness exists because we see happiness in other people Until we discover that our source of happiness is being carried along right within us at every moment of our lives we will continue to look outside of ourselves for a source to make us happy We remain impatient and intolerant with our relationships and dealings in the world until we learn to relax into our own internal state of happiness
armed with the twelve steps all things are possible