I am really tired today. I didnt go straight off fishing this morning cos the weather was abit iffy. Dad was going to the dump with an old cupboard so i went to help him.. This was cool cos normaly i would be too drunk or hungover or both at 8 something in the morning to be able to do bugger all.
Got back from the dump and i suddenly realised just how really tired i was so much so i had to get back into bed. I must have slept on and off for about 2 hours, needed more though.. And now im just still very tired.
I guess now that the withdrawls are starting to perhaps fade that my body is showing just how tired it really is. The withdrawls kept me alittle wired ya know. So i guess its to be expected.
Iv been looking at my callender year planner, and iv marked off the days this year that iv been sober, i think most of them are down, though not sure bout the first month. But this year i have actualy been sober for a total of 17 days..!! I wouldnt normaly do that in a whole year.. Maybe 2 or 2.5 years.. But iv also had some realy bad drinking days too this year.
I ent really doing much today, not got much done. Watched abit of tv and had a go at pc game. But too tired to really do anything. Im waiting for a sudden rush of energy to appear but i dont think its going to.
I'm tired too. some days just be like that. This too shall pass. I'm going to spend a little time today doing this and that,,, but ,, I'm glad that, for me, Sunday is a day of rest.
God bless you.
love in recovery,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
Well you have been talking about a lot of nights of not sleeping well, 4 or 5 hours, If is was me, after those nights of not enough sleep, I would welcome the tiredness, and take advantage of it being a "snoozing kind of Sunday" When I go through nights where I do not sleep well, I wait for that tiredness, and get extra sleep, and it feels great.
Been asleep since that last post.. But needed a pee and ice cream van woke me up.. damn it i duno if hes been down our street yet.. im gona get one if he comes down this road. I am gona flake again later i think... lol thats amusing cos i want a flake in my ice cream....
Hi Rob, good to be tired must be your body telling you you need rest. For me being tired makes a change from being 'sick and tired' the way I always was when I was drinking.
A oldtimer at a meeting I used to go to recommends Honey to folks drying out. Your body needs sugar that it used to get from the alcohol. Myself I sugguest chocolate of some of that Ice Cream. Bob.
Work like you don't need the money
Love like you've never been hurt, and
dance like no one is watching.