You have been on my mind all night, and hope that we hear from you today.
Praying that you have picked-up that 500 lb. phone and are reaching out to another human being.
We are all Rooting for you, but this is cyerspace, and leaves a lot to be desired, with one on one help. Detox, Doctor, Personal Couselling, 12 Step 30-60 day Program, anything where a living person can begin to help. Just the words, I need some help does it.
Hope with all my heart that we see a Post again from you Today. We are here, all of us, and just like me, I am pretty sure many, many people here are thinking of you keeping you in their Prayers, and hoping to hear from you. That's how this "WE" program works. I hope you know that you are a big part of that "WE".
Just one day at a time, one hour a day, that's the Program. We only have today, yesterday is long gone, and the tomorrow is an unknown to all of us.