Today's word poses one of the biggest challenges; it calls upon us to be completely truthful. The biggest deceptions are usually the ones we place upon ourselves. Every time we convince ourselves we are not worthy, attractive, capable, etc. we become the great deceivers of ourUniverse. When we judge others, without also acknowledging our own weaknesses, we do a great disservice to all people.
Focusing attention and directing our energy primarily to our percieved weaknesses keeps us repressed. Honesty means acceptance of all aspects of our being, combined with compassion, and dedication to learn more and reach higher. Acknowledging problems doesn't make it necessary to become a victim to them.
Remember that often those who are known as "brutally honest" enjoy the brutality much more than the honesty. Look at yourself and others through the eyes of truth - with integrity and compassion, releasing smallness and judgment.
Today's Exercise:
Think of an aspect of your life where you tend to be overly self-critical. What have you told yourself about the situation? Step back and observe this situation with more objectivity. Have you been truly honest with yourself?
If you are feeling blocked or negative, the answer is no you haven't. Sometimes we use criticism as an excuse to not try our hardest, or to not make changes. Be compassionately honest with yourself and move forward with a new sense of clarity, and willingness to reach higher.
Funny, isn't it, how friends and a Power greater than ourselves can neutralize nightmares?
I was gone most of the day, just checking in before I go off to ZZZZZZZ early.
I read this, this a.m. and it was so beautiful, I got the impression that you wrote it.
I have noticed in your responses and Post, you have a writting gift my friend, hope you think of us and write more for us, of course when you feel like it. No pressure there, haha.