Read the posts below on Self-Discipline and Staying on the Path---I needed that! Recently, I wrote down six tips, ideas for myself to regain self-discipline in my days....and then at the bottom I wrote:
"There is no Adult Supervision in my head when I get too much into my head!"
[I don''t know if I just wrote that down or if I got that from an alanon tape, just do not remember---BUT thinking too much, worrying, etc., that's how I get off track! BIG TIME!]
Takes me back to reading Scott Peck's Chapter on Discipline, from his book, 'the Road less Traveled'.
On how we need to manage our own emotions, like we manage our children, if they are left on there own, without discipline, they will do all kinds of things, as an example; they might run wildly through the house, and raid our liquor cabinets.
For some strange reason, that one got stuck in my brain, go figure, eh?
Thanks for the humor and truism to it.
Also for that reminder earlier, Question: "Having a problem?"......Answer: "What Step am I on?"..................... Always good to see you here!