Why do you hasten to remove anything which hurts your eye, while if something affects your soul you postpone the cure until next year. ~ Horace
Typically, when we think of healing our first thoughts turn to the physical. However health and the healing process are multi-lateral. We are all comprised of several "bodies", the mental, emotional, spiritual, as well as the physical. Although we tend to view them as separate, they are intimately connected affecting each other. Have you ever noticed how when we have a headache, we tend to reach for the aspirin bottle to "cure" it, without addressing the true cause? The end result is that we get recurring headaches; many times they grow progressively worse. By treating the symptom we didn't cure the cause. This happens in other areas also. When we seek to push away emotional pain, or comfort ourselves with entertainment or substances at the expense of addressing the cause of our pain, the pain continues to return.
True healing is empowering. It calls us to take responsibility for our lives, to address the source(s) of our pain on all levels so that we might permanently heal the cause, and not merely chase the symptoms. Recurring symptoms are merely warning signs that there is a larger problem for us to address. When we continually fight symptoms without addressing the root cause, we become tired, we feel chronically "ill", our thoughts can become cloudy, we may begin to feel disconnected spiritually, and any number of additional symptoms that tell us something is amiss and needs to be addressed.
The beauty of multi-lateral health is that anything you do to enhance your health in one area, will also affect the others. This in turn provides the incentive to keep going forward on a path to wholeness. Every day, do at least one health-conscious activity and notice how it affects your overall sense of well-being.
Funny, isn't it, how friends and a Power greater than ourselves can neutralize nightmares?
oh.....my....god....! i so needed to see what you wrote. thankyou so much! i'd write more but the clinical depression has me nailed to the floor today,...[yuk]...god,H.P. or whatever you believe in bless you.
Oh, Cindy I am so sorry that you are having to deal with this today. If you need to email me off board, I am at dryw_s@earthlink.net (underscore between dryw and s). May your HP hold you in comfort until you get through this. Remember, those mental clouds you're dealing with? No matter how thick they may seem, the sun really really is behind them. Blessings, Wren
Funny, isn't it, how friends and a Power greater than ourselves can neutralize nightmares?
thanks guys for your kind words, sorry it took so long to reply, coming out of the dark place finally, was a nasty bout., but feeling better now .....love to you all