Just a check in, and a hello to all. All well here, Busy ! Busy ! Busy!
Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. --Joseph Addison
Having someone to bestow our love on -- a child, friend, or lover, perhaps a pet -- will provide us with a time each day for intimacy, a time for sharing affection, a time, which assures us our presence is counted on.
But having someone to love is not all we need for happiness. We must have dreams for the future, reasons for getting out of bed in the present, and the well-earned glow that accompanies past achievements. Dreams lose their glamour if that's all we have. If the reasons for rising don't excite us any longer, or the achievements ring hollow, we'll not come to know the happiness for which we've been created.
Happiness is our birthright so long as we live fully and love truly.