I've heard people describe events in their lives as being lucky. When I look back I don't see to much of any kinda luck. I really believe that God has been involved in my life even when I didn't believe in a god. I think that all the hell I've been through has happened in order to get me to believe in something greater than myself. This has been a hard realization to come to. When I have strayed from the path I have been thrown unmercifully into a state of being where I have had little choice but to rely on God to help me through it. I'm not sure that I'm making sense but this is the way I see it.
I don't choose to believe in luck today. I think everything in this world happens for a reason, just like the book says.
I just had Easter dinner with my family. I still feel uncomfortable during holiday events, like I don't belong or something.
I have to cut this short, lot on my mind, but I have to help my family out. Happy Easter one and all.
Thanks so much for stopping by to share that with us. My experience is kind of similar, so that I don't believe in good luck or bad luck any more either.. but more that bad luck is my own will not succeeding and good luck that God's will is succeeding. God makes all the difference in my life, between a meaningless thing on a downward spiral,,, to a hidden blessed mystery toward Eternal Life to the utmost.
Have a blessed dinner. talk to you later,
love in recovery,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
Well I do agree, I have never cared for the concept of Luck and Badluck, has always felt like superstitions to me, always has.
Blessed is a word that can fill any sentence and replace the word Luck. If God makes it to "rain on the just and the unjust", then where could the word Luck possibly fit in?
This is God's world, not mine, everything happens in God's time. That is a Truth to me.