do you know anything about allergys to things like raw suger wheat and all that sorta thing? I have noticed I feel sluggish when I have eaten pizza followed with giant tesco's finest choc chip cookies and 2 litres of coke. I think that may be my gripe now and wondered what you knew? Rob when I have a pizza for some reason it always follows with a cola and cookies :s:idea:
Have you not seen one of the RAC's recent adverts..'Large meals make you drowsey.. Eat small meals on a journey'.. lol.. it might be something to do with that...!.?..
Also im allergic to cats.. i wast always, we used to have a cat when i was very young, but years after he died i devoloped the allergy.. apparently it can happen at anytime.. so you could have a cat or dog and wake up one day be be allergic to them.. apparently..
My mum used to be allergic to eggs, but now she can have some.. Actauly my poor mum usualy gets evern the "rare" side effects from tablets.. .. if she is ill and has to take midication, she ususaly feels worse untill off them.. So depressing for her..
I have to use non-biological washing powder cos otherwise i itch like a bitch.. .. But then saying that i havent tried biological for years.. I used to have to use SIMPLE soap or id get Exzema.. but not now.. ..
For the majority of my life i didnt get hey feaver.. But now... SOMETIMES. i do .. some years its not too good at all but other years i dont get any... wierd eh..
for me?? ANY "white products" like refined white flour/ sugar/ refined starches, give me a "temporary rush" THAN i crash!!! i am "comming down" and feel like crap.....
it is VERY bad for me--- anything that doesn't grow?? i mostly stay away from it and for SURE , i eat NO white products....bread is whole grain or sprouted grain.......i try to go organic as much as i can or at least "clean" i read labels more than i ever did.....
i truly believe that we "feel/ are" what we eat....and alkies/ addictive people like me, i try to eat as "clean" as i can-- organic is my choice................good share, robert, ttyl , rosie
Carbohydrates (anything with sugar, flour, ALCOHOL etc) give the body a temporary energy boost followed by a crash that leads to drowsiness, slower mental functioning, and even achiness. This results because the body breaks down carbohydrates really fast. Consume more protein and take a daily multivitamin to increase energy levels.
AA's co-founder Bill W.'s doctor, Dr. Silkworth, who first used the allergy metaphor, knew it was not literally an allergy, like a histimine reaction to dust or pollen. He was using the term as just that, a metaphor, to indicate some people have different reactions to alcohol and other drugs, metabolize the substances differently, and generally destroy their lives with the stuff, while most of the rest of the population either doesn't partake or employs moderation or occasional excess.
Read Bill W.'s biography "Pass It On" for more info-