Hope to hear from you soon, the door is always open here, this is one place that never closes.
we are not fair weather friends, we are people who have been through what you must be going through, and it sounds corny but we are here for you, just like you are here for us.
You are not under any obligation, Rob. We just care about you.
You couldn't deal with a meeting? But you are going to deal with cirrhosis, brain damage, feeling like crap in the morning. You think that is the better choice of things to deal with? stinking thinking going on here alright.
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
Again its my choice.. i could not deal with a meeting tonight and if that kills me then so be it.. ..
i gues im just in defiant sort of mood tonight. I am pissed off with everything.. and i guess my alcholism has found a way to make friends with that side of me tonight.. I just feel like saying bollox to everyone who wants to make me do something i dont feel like doing..
I think really that im just fed up of having this problem..
But tonight im just arsey. and i just wana do whatever the fuck my primitive instincts wana do and bollox to everything else..
I know its the drink talking and i know you are right and everything.. but im so fucked off. i guess im siding with the wrong thing..
Drink has been with me longer than anything else.. and i guess im sticking with what i know tonight.
I know what im saying and i know how it sounds..;... im just pissed off.. and giving in..
You can tell me how im gona die.. you can tell me how painful it is gona be. you can tell me it is all my choice.. and my doing. you can say whatever you like.... but like i say. im in an arsey mood and drink has got the better of me tonight..
So i wana drink, I am and i will continue to tonight.. ..
Say and think whatever you want.. ... say that im gona deal with cirosis.. say that im gona have a thick head.. say that im gona die from this..
Tonight im being irrisponsible.. im just fed the fuck up.. i know the disease is what makes me like this.. but im givin into it tonight. im taking the easy way out..
This is how it is and so be it.. Bollox to everything else.
Im sorry but this is how it is tonight..
I do love all you guys.. you have been so much that i have never had before.. ..
High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire. Im ok ta..mate.... Drinking again tonight.. I didnt go to meeting.. i couldnt deal with it.. I know people want me to keep them updated.. but what can i say.. Hi all. im drinking.. ffs.. i think everyone on here is great.. but wtf can i say.. Thanx Robert... I hope you.. and your partner are ok...? Take care.. Rob
Hey Rob, I used to live in high wycome. my pops still lives there, small world hey. I didnt go to a meeting either tonight, I watched TV instead, bought a box set of thunder cats for my mate and watched an episode of that. I know what yer saying re the updates, I would probably be the same, I know I was anti A.A when I was drinking so your doing better than me. All you need to know is we aint going anywhere,
get some numbers mate if you go to another meeting and call someone b4 you pick that drink up. I have posted my number up- I dont mind you calling me, Rob