Hi there, I have read things about suppliments, and I think I am the type of alcoholic that is omega 3 deficient and also the allergic type.
I am interested in suppliments, in the chemistry side of things would gamma help me? what else?
my sponcer thinks I should come off anti depressants as it may harm my spiritual experience - I only take those pills so I cope at work, I HATE IT! but the fear stops me looking elsewhere- "your crap, you wont find anything better" is what I tell me
Yes, there are supplements, and there are different herbal mixtures that can help with depression. But! They need to be used with caution, and you really need to speak to your physician first. If you are being treated for depression, just going off your meds can be psychologically catastrophic, seriously. I've seen (and there are other health care professionals here that I'm sure have seen also) what can happen if you abruptly stop taking your medication. Meds need to be weaned off of, slowly, or you could really crash and burn.
Are you having side effects that you don't like from the med, or is it just the idea of taking them? I went thru a real dance some years ago about a med I need to be on, because I'm afraid of them due to my addictions. My doctor asked me "if you were a diabetic, and had to take a med for it each day, would you feel like you were abusing drugs?". And of course, I said no. He told me that I shouldnt feel that way about my meds then, because it's the same premise.
Let me do some research into what herbs and supplements are good for this, and then discuss them with your doc, or go to a Naturopath (which is what I do for almost everything). But for heavens sake, don't stop the meds yet. You are NOT CRAP. I'm afraid to death of flying, so don't make me fly over there to thwack you upside the head. You are Robert, you're fun and enjoyable and sensitive and you actively help other people---that ain't how CRAP is defined in the dictionary. You're a good good person, and maybe too thoughtful of others for your own good. "get the soap out, I've got a mouth to wash out". crap indeed! You're certainly worth more than doo doo to me. a great big hug, Wren
Funny, isn't it, how friends and a Power greater than ourselves can neutralize nightmares?
Hi Robert, I have a question? Is your sponser a quallified doctor? If not AA has no views on outside issues, your medication is a matter between you and your doc. About extra suppliments I was told that as an alkie my body could need some extra help with vit B complex my doc prescribed also a general multivitamin you can get them at ASDA quite cheeply, but again talk it over with your doc. I was always looking for the pill or potion that would CURE me and make me like normal people, I loved to self medicate, so if its medical advice you want talk to a doctor, if you need support in getting through the day go to AA. love to you in recovery, Homerj
ps. I've given up looking for the magic pill, but found a nice cuppa and a chocky biscuit with othes alkies works for me. Hj
You know, Ihate to admit it, but that Marmite stuff Rob is taking does have the B vitamins in it.. so he is instinctively listening to his body and what it needs... also the Kalms with valerian. But it is important to have a local professional to coordinate these meds and supplements as they can knock you over as much as booze if taken without knowing anything about them.
ahh.. wren,, yes,, me too. I guess the saying is 'all things in moderation'? and some things not at all?
Robert,,, it does seem that you and I have something in common in that we tend to way over react,, or under react,,, and that is actually kind of common with alkies 'all or nothing' tendencies. A Step at a time, k? Easy does it.
God bless you,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time