I was just listening to Warren Zevon's 'Carmalita' and the same thing goes with any addiction. It is a very hard road, if you want it to be. Sometimes though, it's easier said then done.
It did my heart good to see you Post here, am not familiar the music, but yes to the question, early Recovery is not easy, it does get easier, or we all wouldn't be here, if the first year was just like the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year, I know I couldn't take it.
But the support of AA, and using this Board as a Resourse, and gaining friends, like me, many, many more available here, for any thing that you are stuggling with.
Sorry you were in the Hospital, are you o.k. now?
So, so happy you Posted we have missed you, and you are really kind of elusive around here. Tehe.
"Carmelita," ( 1976). The lyrics speak to why Zevon could develop such a broad following. "Carmelita" is about a heroin addict who has been cut off from his methadone and his welfare check, and who is relying on his girlfriend to get him through his pain:
"Carmelita hold me tighter / I think I'm sinking down / And I'm all strung out on heroin/On the outskirts of town."