Some days are full...with living life on lifes terms...and one does not get to.. spend as much time on the board... as one wishes to...
Just taking a minute to say hi to each of you...and hope all is well in your.. one day at a time...sobriety journey...
Keep on...keepin on...
For those of you... that are going through the tunnels of darkness..and fear of the unknown..there is a light at the end of those tunnels..
Ive been in them...and sometimes the light Ive seen..has been a train..comming the other way...
Those times were illusions....and what I wanted to see...not what was real...
When you see a light at the end of your will be dim at first...but as you step forward in faith..and doing the best you day at a time...that light will get brighter..
Keep lookin up..and watch out for turnip trucks...:)
Life is short..Live it sober to the fullest...One day at a time...
Yep, one day at a time, my friend, one day at a time.
And, when that turnip truck rumbles by, pick up the turnips that fall off...their pretty good with a little butter and sour cream, especially if you add a little crumbled bacon after mashing.....
If we live according to spiritual principles, we will know harmony in our lives. If we ignore these principles, our harmony will be destroyed.
Fortunately the principles are constant. Once we recognize our mistakes, our task is to once again apply the principles we learned and harmony will return.
Am I living according to spiritual principles?
Higher Power, help me to be aware of and live according to principles.
I've hit that train head on more than a few times. At first I thought I could derail the s.o.b. but that never happened.....imagine that! I don't see too many turnip trucks round these parts. Thanks for the post Phil. I call that light at the end of the tunnel hope today.
This Post seemed to have turned into a Post about the "Light". One thing I believe that can shut off the lights, and fast, is grieve. When I was hit with sudden grief, 5 months ago, it felt like complete darkness, all I could feel was the excuciating pain of Grief. Felt completely lost. From a feeling point of view, it feels like a semi-truck or a 2000 pound rock has just slammed into you and you are left with only a memory of how to begin to stand, rational thinking, well there is not a whole bunch of that.
There were many loving people offering support, and I have to say, that was the first awareness of not being alone in what was going on. Prayer to my Higher Power all day long, in Silence, and when alone, not silently.
Phil Posted the Grief cycle on the Board for me, and it was a Godsend. I read it, (knew it by heart, but had forgotten it, who wants to remember that). Said to myself, o.k. I'm right on schedule.
That was 5 months ago, and in looking back, it was Blind Faith that helped me just put one foot in front of the other, everyday. I did believe in God, that was my saving Grace. And I also believed that God was right there in the darkness.
Today, the lights are all back on, I am living with hope and feel the grief was a very unwanted, yet, turned out to be a learning lesson, of how to use this Program, talk about the pain, I did that every week with my Therapist in the Bay area, and also talked about it a lot, when I was walking through it. The talking about it, to People that cared about me, and talking about it to God, asking God to help me get up on my feet, and stand with my head up high, and continue my life. A simple Prayer of Help Me, Please, is an amazing, truly amazing thing.
Slowly, I am coming completely back, with hope, and my thinking has turned back into rational, looking at not what I lost, but what I had, before the loss, and feel deep gratitude to God, for the Gift of my best friend, all of her life. It can now make me smile, a little, when I remember the sheer joy, and all the times she made my heart smile.
So, just want to put my too cents in here about the Light, I call it the Light of God, or God's Light lighting up my life, with laughter, and good thinking. The 3rd Step, and the 11th step, and then working the 12th Step of this Program. The do work, if we work them.
This Program saved my Life, but more than that, has given me a new way of Living, one day at a time.
And this was really just a note of Gratitude for all of you that were there for me, when I had lost my sight.
We need God, that is a given, but we also need human caring.
So thank you my friends, from the bottom of my heart.
phil said________When you see a light at the end of your will be dim at first...but as you step forward in faith..and doing the best you day at a time...that light will get brighter..
HEY phil, glad to C U.........and yeah, i am BEGINNING to see the dim light by its "easy does it" and "trust in the process" and in the mean time??? take care of me and "keep on keepin on"
had a rough weekend and i know it was a reaction to the GABA i took too much of.....changed brands, and really didn't pay attention to the fact that it was 500 more mgs of the i got a "anxiety rush" out of it.....NOT fun....not when i already have i am back on the "old reliable" and doing much vitamins and vit b complex, got some
i made a comittemnt to me that i am not going to "dig" for any more old memories, working this inner child pain work...i am going to just trust in my hp to make me deal with what i have to deal with........FEEL my feelings......LEARN new coping skills.....PRACTICE relaxation methods to help my ptsd.......SELF TALK......lots of loving and encouraging self talk..........i think that is good enuf, hey???? i think i was getting tooo obsessive about the "digging" stuff.......i remember enough....don't want any more RE-trauma......just want to work on me NOW, and do the steps, et al...........thanks, ttyl, rosie