Just a few days ago, I was feeling so sorry for myself... My marriage sucks, my job sucks, I feel the only good thing in my life is my children. and then...
Well , there's this woman who needs an apartment, and we work with this group, Cascade Aids Project, not too many people will rent to them, but we do. She's HIV+, and she needs a bottom floor apt. for health reasons. Don't hear from her for awhile, thought maybe she found another place. then she comes in when I'm the only person in the office, and she is so sweet and lovable. Then I find out she's been in the hospital, fighting breast cancer... on top of HIV. So, finally I have a bottom floor apartment for her, so I give her a call... Just 2 days before, she found out her only son died in Iraq. It took 5 phone calls between us to get the details of when she wanted to move straightened out. She couldn't stop crying, I felt so bad... She's trying to move, (she has other children), and trying to make funeral arrangements for her son.
That just really made me feel how lucky I am. My life could be so much worse.
That poor dear soul, made my heart hurt when you told us her story. Once, John, the Moderator of MIP, spoke of a book, "When Bad things Happen to Good People". I also have that book and it helps me at times, to remember who is really in Charge. In spite of the title, it is a very inspirational book.
Hope you have the experience of getting to know her.
WOW!!!! i agree !! "holy crap"......was my first impression too....that poor poor lady.....the post made me sad to read it......AND made me grateful.....
i know i could analyse it like i used to, but now i realize that what the bible says is true......"the sun shines on the just and the unjust" to me, sickness and death visit everyone.....this poor gal had a lot happen in seemingly short time...that is what makes it so sad.....
it also makes me sooo glad i surrendered my life and my will over to the care of my Higher Power......what life brings me to....God can get me past it...........thanks for shairing that.....every now and then i need a reminder to "get out the gratitude list".........peace , rosie