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A.A. Thought for the Day
When I came into A.A., I found men and women who had been through the same things I had been through. But now they were thinking more about how they could help others than they were about them selves. They were a lot more unselfish than I ever was. By coming to meetings and associating with them, I began to think a little less about myself and a little more about other people. I also learned that I didn't have to depend on myself alone to get out of the mess I was in. I could get a greater strength than my own. Am I now depending less on myself and more on God?
XXXXXX i am willing and desiring to think of others, but my recovery and me come a codependent, i can listen with loving detachment and i can empathize, but like with a friend this am, who had problems, i could only give "so much of me" becuz i am having a bad patch with my ptsd and i need me for me.....i have to cut back on all things that can till i work through this inner child pain/ foo work.......i am in pain.....i am tired of this pain....i know that it takes up a lot of energy, i need good nutrition/ cleansing diet/ excercise and rest on top of the usual prayer i don't have much of me to give right now....but as i heal me, i can give more.......i depend less on me--more on my HP
Meditation for the Day
You cannot help others unless you understand the person you are trying to help. To understand the problems and temptations of others, you must have been through them yourself. You must do all you can to understand others. You must study their back grounds, their likes and dislikes, their reactions and their prejudices. When you see their weaknesses, do not confront the person with them. Share your own weaknesses, sins, and temptations and let other people find their own convictions. Prayer for the Day I pray that I may serve as a channel for God's power to come into the lives of others. I pray that I may try to understand them.
XXXXXXXX yep, if i have something to offer on someone's share, yes, i want to share and help.......i can't study other' sbackgrounds, i must just try to reach out and give what i can......i am too immersed in this inner child/ foo work to be spending time studying someone ELSES background when i am leanrning my own, also i am having a "rough go" with my ptsd and i am needing more nurturing from forces me at time to be aware of and ACCEPT my the meantime, i can reach out--be a blessing/ comfort where ever i can, and do my best.....there are times....especially when doing inner child pain work that i need me for me...and i must accept my limitations.....its not out of selfishness...its out of necessity........i give my esh where ever and when ever i think i can help......but the other's must find their own sollutionns, just as i did.........i also pray to my HP to "let me be a channel for his love/peace".....