Sorry for the daft post I did earlier, there was no excuse at all for it and it was childish. Please dont feel you need to accept my oppology, but I am sorry.
Great Gods Rob, you sent in a silly post, you didn't ruin any lives! Take it easy here, I would miss you. I'm sensitive, dead animals make me cry. On the other hand, I did crime scene clean up for years, and was hardly bothered by it. But LEAVE because of a post that some folks objected to?
Shit, I hope you're need for us here is greater than that! I know that I open my email in the a.m., and you are one of the members whose posts I look for first.
So shush, apology was obviously accepted cuz nobody wrote any differently....Love Wren
Funny, isn't it, how friends and a Power greater than ourselves can neutralize nightmares?
Saying I am sorry, is a 10th step. So, no need to leave, a lot of us screw up, we get told, and thats that. No need to leave. We love you, you're part of us now, so get back here fast. haha. Seriously, don't let this, whatever is was, make you leave, we are all real sensitive too. so understand your being hurt, WE DONT WANT YOU TO LEAVE!!!!!!!!!
Small dead animals bother some, maybe its a girl thing. Who knows, no BIGGY!!!
So Come on back here, great humor in most, the pic was just a little over the top,