Goodness I could barly get out of berd this morning with my bad back, I got out at 12 ish.
as you know I am on long term sick, (doctor signed me off)
work have done a home visit with my boss and the bosses boss, poking for floors in my sickness, oops I meant "just making sure im ok" then this friday they called me again at 5 to tell me to come into work monday for a meeting. they are scaring me, I called a union but they couldnot help as it was after office hours and my meeting is at 9am, I am scared they are either going to be abuseing like last time I had long term sick, (over a year ago) or sack me. it makes me very scared. I wondered how to cope
Well you did better than i would have.. i would have probably not answerd the door lol.. Id have been.. on the toilet.. or alseep or had headphones on or something.. lol. Did you know they were coming?
Hows your partner today?
Hang in there.. Go get a cheese n marmite sandwhich :)
I guess it comes down to. "Theres not much you can do..Robert"
In this part of the world...if one has a doctors slip..stating the reasons is off work...and its submitted to the employer..the employer has to accept that...and no action can be taken on their part....until the employee has recovered...or has been informed..that due to injuries..the employee..will not be returning to work..
In some cases..when the employee is able to return to work...the employer has the right that lay the employee off..either temporarliy..or permanantly...if they can come with a valid reason for doin so...and they usually find some excuse..
You mention that there is a Union..where you work...
If the meeting does not your best interest..Monday can file a greivance with the union..right...? and likely get to keep your job...
I guess right just hafta throw the outcomes...upstairs..
The most important taking care of YOU..and let the chips fall where they may...with the rest of it..
Serenity Prayer...
This is my opinion..only..and I am not at all knowledgable...with regards to how the employee..employer in your part of the world...
Hang Tough...our freind...hang tough...
Life is short..Live it sober to the fullest...One day at a time...
the home visit was last week, I am hoping they sack me, it would get me unlimited amounts of compo under the disability discrimination act, but I dont think im that lucky.
Cheese and marmite yum! but roast turkey is cooking
Robert, this may sound trite at this point, but something I've learned? When something like this happens, like losing a job, or a friendship, stuff that's scary and hurtful? somewhere down the road, you find out that it's a good thing, and something better is waiting. Doesn't feel like it when youre standing in that field of crap and the clean grass is clear the hell over there, but walking across the crap onto the grass? Ahhhhhhhhhh. Then you look back and see you've done it. It'll really be okay. Light the candle and trust. Turkey sounds so good after all the talk about yeast................Big hug, Wren
Funny, isn't it, how friends and a Power greater than ourselves can neutralize nightmares?