My work day runs from 8am through 4pm everyday and Iâm a traveling sales rep. For me, the absolute worst time of the day for urges is 1pm through 6pm. (Anytime before 1pm or after 6pm is much easier for me.) Iâm constantly driving past stores that sell beer during my work day. Jobs are scarce in my area and I love who I work for, so I donât want to quit my job. I wish I could hire a sponsor to ride along with me on sales calls everyday afternoon, but obviously thatâs out of the question. Looking for any tips you folks might have. (Sober for 48 hours so far with 2 meetings attended. My first meeting was yesterday and my second meeting was today).
I had that type job in the late 80's early 90's ... was making @ 100k a year ... opportunity to drink was just too great ... I lost that job and had lot of trouble the following years ... always got sober, found a good job, then lost them ... over and over and over ... ... ...
I had to change the way I was thinking and take the action needed to get and remain sober ... for me ... I went to AA meetings every day for nearly two years ... the urge to drink was removed and the AA promises came true for me ...
If you can, I'd recommend finding 'mid-day' meetings you can attend around your schedule ... these go a long way to giving you the support you need at the right time ... get a good sponsor and stay in touch with him during the later hours for sure ...
You're do'n great, keep up the good work ...
Love ya and God Bless, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Good work on 48 hrs..Each time you see a store with an urge,I could suggest you rewind the tape to the beginning and know where that leads you..Keep driving,,each day in recovery will gain you strength,,do whatever it takes to remain free of that "first one" again.. Keep coming back,let us know how your doing..
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.