Someone just called me and said there was an editorial on AA, in this mornings paper, that AA has become the top organization as far as the people being the most intelligent, even used the words Brillant, and gifted, and creative people ever to gather in one organization. Also went on to say that this group of people, when tested, were, along with their extraordinary warmth, were maybe the most intelligent people of any organization on record.
Good One Toni, as I was reading it I was going, wow, I read the NYT everyday and I didn't see that article. She should send a link so we can all read it, ...................and then, I get the punch line...............So, as a warning to all, NEVER BELIEVE ANYTHING TONI SAYS UNLESS SHE PUTS PROOF RIGHT THERE WHERE WE CAN VERIFY IT. There, now we are all forwarned. And, I have a year to think of an appropriate Happry April Fools day for Toni, so Toni get ready for next year. is a comin!!!! Pretty cool you sassy lady you!! Wish I had thunk it up.